
On, 21/09/24, St. Vincent Pallotti College,Raipur, organized an insightful workshop for students on "Protecting your Creations: Understanding Patents and Copyrightsin the Digital Age". This event aimed to equip students with essentialknowledge about patent filing, copyright laws, and the significance ofsafeguarding creative and intellectual work. The workshop was attended bystudents from various streams.

The resource persons for the event weredistinguished expert Dr. Minhaj Ahmad A. Rahman, Associate Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering College, Nagpur.

The session began with an overview of whatconstitutes intellectual property, covering patents, trademarks, copyrights,and industrial designs. The speakers explained how each type of protectionserves different purposes and benefits the creator or inventor.

The speaker discussed the copyright registrationprocess and the rights that creators retain over their works, including theright to reproduce, distribute, and publicly display their creations.

A comparative analysis between patents andcopyrights was presented to help students understand when to choose which formof protection. Real-life case studies were discussed to demonstrate howentrepreneurs, artists, and inventors leverage these laws to protect theirworks.

The session highlighted practical steps and legalactions that can be taken in case of IPR infringement.

The workshop concluded with an engaging Q&Asession where students posed questions related to their own projects, ideas,and the practical aspects of patent and copyright filing. The speakers providedpersonalized guidance, making the session highly interactive and beneficial.

The workshop was an enriching experience forstudents, offering them a comprehensive understanding of patents and copyrightsand the importance of intellectual property rights in safeguarding creativityand innovation. By the end of the session, participants felt more confident innavigating the legal frameworks and were inspired to consider filing forpatents or copyrights for their work in the future.

A Certificate Program on "AI Tools andTechniques for Academic Excellence" was organised by Research Cell incollaboration with IQAC of the college from 20th September 2024- 28th September 2024 . This comprehensive program was designed to equip students with theknowledge and skills required to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) toolsfor enhanced academic performance.
A total of 51 students actively participated in theprogram, demonstrating their enthusiasm for exploring the potential of AI inacademics.
The program covered an array of AI tools,including:
1. Advanced ChatGPT
2. Julius
3. Furtherpedia
4. Grammerly
5. Gamma App, etc.
These tools were carefully selected to providestudents with hands-on experience in utilizing AI for research, writing, andlearning.
The program was highly beneficial for students,enabling them to:
1. Develop skills in using AI tools for academicresearch and writing.
2. Enhance their productivity and efficiency incompleting assignments.
3. Improve their critical thinking and analyticalskills.
4. Foster innovative thinking and problem-solvingapproaches.
Participants provided overwhelmingly positivefeedback, praising the program's relevance, structure, and delivery. 
Students demonstrated significant improvement intheir understanding and application of AI tools, which will undoubtedly enhancetheir academic performance.

On 19/09/2024, a guest lecture titled "Masteringthe Art of Academic Writing: A Comprehensive Guide to Project Reports andTheses" was conducted for students, focusing on the essential skillsand strategies needed for effective academic writing. Led by Dr. Sushank S.Satputaley, the session aimed to equip students with a structured approach towriting project reports and theses, which are critical components of theiracademic journey. The speaker began by emphasizing the importance of clarity,and organization in academic writing. It was highlighted that producing awell-written report or thesis goes beyond presenting research findings; itinvolves conveying ideas logically and ensuring that each section builds uponthe other in a seamless flow.

The lecture covered the major sections ofacademic reports and theses, including the introduction, literature review,methodology, data analysis, and conclusion. Each part was thoroughly explainedwith practical tips on how to write effectively, maintain an academic tone, andsupport claims with proper citations. Students were encouraged to open theirreports with strong introductions that clearly outline the research problem,objectives, and significance of their work. Additionally, the importance of acomprehensive literature review that highlights gaps in existing research andsupports the relevance of their study was stressed.

Time management and organization were key pointsof discussion, with the speaker advising students to create detailed outlines,work in phases, and allocate enough time for revisions. The critical role ofediting and proofreading was highlighted, along with the necessity of avoidingplagiarism through proper referencing using APA, MLA, or Chicago styles.

The session concluded with an interactive Q&Asegment, where students posed questions on various challenges they faced inacademic writing, such as structuring different types of reports and managingadvisor feedback. The speaker provided personalized advice, which helpedclarify students' concerns and boosted their confidence in tackling theirwriting projects.

Overall, the guest lecture was highly informativeand well-received by the students, providing them with a comprehensiveunderstanding of the components of project reports and theses. The sessionoffered valuable insights into structuring their work, managing their writingschedules, and producing well-researched, polished academic documents. Thetools, tips, and techniques shared during the lecture are expected tosignificantly benefit students in their academic writing endeavours.

The one-week faculty development program on “Research Methodology: Tools, Techniques, and Trends” was organized by St. Vincent Pallotti College, Raipur, from September 19th to 25th,2024. The Faculty Development Program was inaugurated with  lighting a divine lamp by Director,Fr. Amit Tirkey, Principal, Dr. Kuldeep Dubey, Vice-Principal Dr.G. Padma Gouri. The Session commenced with the opening remarks by the Principal who emphasized the need of upskilling by the faculty in the area of Research and Development. The program provided an in-depth exploration of advanced research methodologies, addressing key aspects of academic writing, publishing strategies, AI integration in research, plagiarism detection, and the application of statistical tools in scholarly research.


On the inaugural day, Dr. Satputaley introduced the systematic approach of drafting research papers, guiding participants on organizing their research into clearly defined sections such as introduction, methodology, results, and discussion. Special attention was given to interactive revisions for enhancing clarity, coherence, and logical flow, culminating in the final submission-ready manuscript.

The second session delved into the complexities of the academic publication process. Dr. Satputaley provided comprehensive insights on transitioning from manuscript drafting to journal submission. The session focused on formulating a precise and testable hypothesis, ensuring that it aligns with the overarching research objectives. Participants were introduced to the strategic selection of journals, comparing the merits of traditional subscription-based journals versus open-access platforms.

 Dr. Kapil Gupta presented on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in research, particularly in the selection and framing of research titles in his first session. Dr. Gupta showcased AI-driven platforms such as Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, and Science Direct, which leverage citation analysis and machine learning algorithms to assist researchers in identifying trending topics and optimizing research title selection. The second session addressed the crucial topic of plagiarism, led by Dr. Gupta. The session underscored the ethical ramifications of plagiarism in academic research and discussed both intentional and inadvertent instances of plagiarism.

Dr. Minhaj Ahmad A. Rahman session included ways of enhancing the impact of research publications. The session centered on understanding journal ranking metrics, with particular attention to the SC Imago Journal Rank (SJR) and Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Dr. Rahman explained how these metrics assess the influence of journals based on citation frequency and prestige. He guided participants on selecting high-impact journals by navigating platforms like SCOPUS and ELSEVIER. with journal scope, adhering to submission guidelines, and optimizing keywords to ensure successful publication in top-tier journals.

The final day focused on the utilization of advanced statistical tools for robust data analysis. Dr. Rahman elaborated on the application of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and JAMOVI, two prominent statistical software packages widely employed in research for data management, statistical testing, and visualization.

The program concluded with interactive discussions, where participants engaged with the speakers on the practical applications of the topics covered throughout the week. The faculty development initiative was lauded for its comprehensive approach to equipping educators with advanced research skills, enhancing their academic output, and ensuring adherence to rigorous research standards.

Mental health is a crucial part of who you are. It influences your actions, feelings, thoughts, and how you interact with others. Caring for your mental health unlocks several benefits, including reduced anxiety, improved self-image, and better control over your emotional and physical health. However, mental health problems continue to affect hundreds of millions of people globallyWhile the stress and ensuing fear of the failure in students is inevitable, one should not undermine its damaging effects on learners. Anxiety often affects students deeply, making them counterproductive and needless to say, it is detrimental to their mental well-being. To address this issue, Akashvani, Raipur organized a session on the topic “Stress & Anxiety Management at College Level” in St. Vincent Pallotti College, Raipur on 12th July 2024 in AVA Room at 11:30 AM for all the students and staff of college. The objective of the session was to provide with valuable insights and practical strategies for managing stress and anxiety. The expert speaker of the session was mental health expert, psychologist, Dr. Dogendra Singh Parihar.

The speaker emphasized on certain essential points and tips to handle stress and anxiety in life and during examinations. He stressed on strategic time managementbalanced sleeping hours, revision with writing practicescontrolled thoughts, balanced diet, avoiding procrastination, understanding the paper optimistic attitudegroup discussion avoiding apprehension. He adopted constructive approach to eliminate all the chances of poor preparation and build-up a confident and optimistic learner who is ever-ready to take on the challenges.

Principal of the College, Dr.Kuldeep Dubey also interacted with the students and motivated the staff to create a safe and inclusive environment where students thrive academically and emotionally.  The session was followed by an interactive question answer session wherein the students exchanged personal experiences, tips and takes away points that will work wonders for them in their life emotionally and academically.


The session ended with the vote of thanks to the team of Akashvani, Raipur for organizing such insightful event in college.